PJO Animation Project was an online volunteer run production that ran from July 2017 to September 2021. I founded the project, as well as directed the majority of its content. The first animated episode is one I am most proud of.
I worked alongside a team of 100+ amateur creatives from around the world, never meeting any of them in person during the time of production. All of the work for the project was completed online, using resources such as Discord, various social medias, and the Google Suite.
In addition to animated works, I ensured the project elevated marginalized voices, specifically voices of color. A majority of our crew/cast identified as LGBTQ+ as well, and so much of our charity efforts also went towards charities for LGBTQ+ youth, such as the Trevor Project.
All profits made by the project, in merchandise, Google Ad-Sense, etc. were donated to The Trevor Project before the project disbanded.
As mentioned earlier, the project also created merchandise to further promote our production. All our merchandise was designed by artists who were currently working on the shorts. We created a variety of products such as: stickers, t-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc.
Check out PJO Animation's social media for more content!